Saturday, March 12, 2011

How do I get rid of dandruff quickly?

Wash hair with baby shampoo then use Listerine leave on approx. 5 min. then rinse, if using city water put small amt. vinegar in rinse water....... after a few uses of the Listerine you will not have a dandruff problem

Aussie spray gel or hair spray; whats the difference?

i have curly hair. right now im using a non aerosol hair spray on my curls and i like the results. i would like to try one of aussie's products; either the spray gel or the non aerosol hair spray. just wondering what is the difference between the two and is one better than the other for use on curls? thanks!

Anyone have any tips on how to treat a hurt foot from soccer?

That part of your foot has the most fragile bones in your body. I had to quit soccer because I repeatedly injured my ankle and ... my foot. I'd apply ice and if it's swollen big time and stays like that for a couple of hours go get a scan ASAP. Get well soon ;-)

Arnica Montana on a calf?

One of my calves got stepped on and its lag is swolen. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to feed it 30c tablets of Arnica and how many little tablets a day. Any info would be great! Thanks.

I've had Bacterial Vaginosis for almost 3 years?

I have went to the OBGYN and received over 20 prescriptions within the past 3 years. Within the past 4 months I had received 4 prescriptions including the gel and the oral pills. I stopped using tampons, I changed to cotton underwear, I stopped wearing thongs, I eat yogurt everyday, I wipe from front to back, I stopped having sex for 3 months, I cut down on sugar, I take 2 showers a day, I dont douche, I take garlic pills everyday, I drink cranberry juice everyday and I even took the pro fresh supplements for 30 days. As you can see, I have tried all of the prescriptions and at home remedies. I am worn out and this will not go away. Help Please....